What Are The Common Household Pests (UK)?
Are you wondering what are the most common household pests? Read this article to discover what the little bugs are that are invading your home. In addition, learn how to identify the pest that is the most common problem.
Below you’ll find a list of the most common indoor insects and how to do pest control. Whether it’s a bed bug, termite, cockroach infestation, or even a golden spider beetle infestation! The following tips will help you get rid of them.
What are the common household pests?
In most cases, many common household pests are harmless to human health, but there are others that can cause real problems. Rodents, pigeons, and insects are just some of the most common household pests.
The infestation of these pests in your home can lead to health issues including respiratory disease and allergic reactions. If you’re concerned about these pests, here are some tips to deal with them. Read on to learn about the most common household pests and how you can avoid their presence.
Carpet beetles are small, segmented insects with hard wings that can be found inside your home. They feed on stored products, including carpets and wool clothes. If you notice them in your house, be sure to clean your carpet and any stored products that contain wool.
You can also look for these pests in the cracks and corners of closets. Centipedes are good home remedies for reducing these pests and creepy crawlies. These insects live under your sink, near floor drains, and in potted plants.
What are the little bugs in my house?
You might be wondering: what are the little bugs in my house? Household pests are the answer to that question, and they can be the most common annoyance. These bugs are nocturnal and eat grains, flour, and fruits. You may have seen them on your mattress or bed sheets.
If you don’t know what they look like, they may look like dirt or a dead carcass. You can find these insects in a variety of areas, including potted plants, basements, and crawl spaces.
How do I know what pest insects I have?
While most of the creepy-crawlies found in your home are harmless, there are some that can infest your flour, chew up your clothing, eat pet food, or even bite you! Identifying a pest is the first step in IPM.
To identify a pest, you must collect a specimen and freeze it for several hours or a day. Pest identification pages usually feature a picture and a description of the pest, with the pest’s name in caps.
Which indoor pests are most common?
According to the National Magazine Company Ltd, among the most common indoor pest infestations in the UK, carpet beetles are the most prolific. These creepy crawlies are attracted to stored food, lint, and cracks in walls.
Centipedes can help you reduce these bugs in your home. Place them near floor drains and cracks, as they can hide in cool, damp nooks. They are not a problem if you can keep their numbers in check.
Pests that can cause damage to your home include: bed bugs, cockroaches, flying insects, and mice. These bugs can damage food, clothing, and plants. The BPCA’s website features a full list of bugs, including their life cycle, identification tips, and pest control measures.
You can also request an identification service for free or for commercial use at the Museum. For example, you can have biscuit beetles identified for free.
According to Hearst UK fashion, the UK is a hotbed for bed bugs and wasps, with many infestations in the south west. These insects breed rapidly, and can survive for up to five months without food.
They are often hard to get rid of, and you can use professional services to help you combat them. Pest control services offer bed bugs control to address this problem. If you’re worried that you might have a bed bug problem, it’s best to call a pest control professional to ensure your home is free of these pesky creatures.
Which pantry pests are most common?
A variety of different pantry pests can affect your food, but the three most common ones are granary weevils, rice weevils, and lesser grain borers. When you notice these bugs, you’ll notice a slit-like hole in the grain or dry goods.
Worse yet, you may even notice live adult weevils inside. It’s difficult to tell when your pantry has been infested, so prevention is the key to avoiding an infestation.
While pantry pests don’t pose a health risk, they can quickly multiply in your food supplies. Flour beetles and corn beetles are common culprits, and they feed on the flour, grains, and dried nuts that people put in their cupboards.
They’re also common in spices, chocolate, and cornstarch. If you’re not sure whether your pantry is infested with one of these bugs, check your cabinets for any ripe or unopened packaging.
Indian meal moths are another pantry pest. Once you’ve identified their presence, you’ll want to take steps to get rid of them. These bugs can grow so large that professional extermination services are often needed to completely get rid of them.
If you’re having a problem with grain beetles, you’ll want to contact a pest control company right away.
Which UK garden pests are most common?
A new report from the Royal Horticultural Society has revealed the most common pests and diseases for gardeners whenever they are outdoors. The report looked at the most common pest complaints in the UK over the past year and ranked the most common garden pests and diseases according to their prevalence. In addition to this, the report reveals which pests and diseases are responsible for the most damage to garden plots.
Box tree caterpillars are among the most common garden pests. They continue to spread across the UK, and some areas have already seen an outbreak. The alder leaf beetle, meanwhile, is another common pest.
It feeds on the leaves of trees and has recently been reestablished in parts of England. Among the most common garden diseases, honey fungus tops the list. Throughout the wet, warm weather, other fungi took advantage of the conditions to attack fruit trees.
Box tree caterpillars, for example, may cause extensive damage to plants. They lay their eggs on the underside of leaves, and begin eating as soon as they hatch. Look for yellowish eggs in your garden, and encourage predatory birds to eat the insects’ eggs.
While box tree caterpillars are not particularly common, their presence in the UK makes them a top pest. If you notice any of these pests, it’s time to take action.
Which seasonal UK house pests are most common?
Some pests are active year-round, while others prefer certain seasons over others. Rats, mice, and urban foxes, for example, prefer warmer weather and are more active in the autumn and winter.
Knowing what pests are active during a particular season is essential for proactive pest control, which can be less expensive and more effective than reactive pest control methods. Below are some common pests and their seasonal variations.
Silverfish infestations are common in damp buildings. Tenants often report finding them in bathrooms. These insects can destroy fabric, paper, glue, and other materials.
Their damage varies from minor to major, depending on the contents of the home. To prevent re-infestation, reduce moisture in bathrooms by drying towels outside, fitting air fans, and avoiding taking hot showers. Alternatively, install dehumidifiers to combat the humidity.
Rats are the big brothers of mice. They’re more common in London, but they can still hide in corners and behind furniture. While rat infestations in the UK are relatively low, they are still an issue, and they carry a variety of diseases.
In addition to this, heavy rain can flood underground burrows and areas where rats live. As such, houses are a prime breeding ground for these
How do I handle house bugs or pests?
If you have pest problems in your home, you’re probably wondering how to control them. Regardless of what they’re called, bugs have the same basic needs as people – food, water, and shelter. Common house bugs include ants, cockroaches, earwigs, fire rats, flies, wasps nest, clothes moth, house moth, dust mites and house centipedes.
Fleas are common household pests for pet owners, too. There are different types of bugs that show up in different areas of the country, so you’ll have to be familiar with what kind of insect is infesting your home.
To reduce the chances of an infestation, declutter your home and store food in airtight containers. Avoid leaving food out for extended periods of time, as this attracts insects. Store trash cans far from the door and store food in containers with tight covers. Don’t leave pet food out overnight, either. Always clean up any spills and crumbs immediately.
Clean up your kitchen trashcan regularly and keep it clean. You can avail pest treatments by calling your nearest pest control services provider to get a quote for their paid commissions and solve your pest control problems. Some companies offer pest control products like woodworm treatment, rat control, mice control, and rodent proofing.

Tony Johnson, the owner of our pest control company, is more than just a professional. He’s a problem solver. With a deep understanding of pests and their behaviour, Tony has successfully protected countless properties. His commitment to using eco-friendly pest solutions ensures a safe environment for your loved ones.
Trusted BPCA & NPTA member.